لا إله إ لا الله محمد رسول الله

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

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    بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 
 b-ismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīmin
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the most Merciful.

Islam is the mostly followed religion in the present world. Who follow Islam is called “Muslim”. The number of Muslims is vast in this present Era. But sometimes, this vast population doesn’t know or want to follow all the Islamic rules.

Allah has sent us to follow and obey His words in this world. Now it is a matter of concern what we need to do and walk in which way to follow Islam? What is good and what is the true way of life? Do you have any idea?

Keep believing on Allah from heart, follow and obey all the rules given by Him is called ISLAM. Who follow all the Islamic rules is called Muslim. From born to death one Muslim has to follow all the Islamic rules. No one can make any rules, no one can break the made one.

Islam teaches us how to lead our life in proper way. But to learn about Islam we need to learn about it. We have to read about it. Without learning it how can we lead an Islamic life? Learning about Islam is mandatory for each and every Muslim men and Women.

But I have some questions that what you know about Islam? If what you learn, is true? Do you have clear concept about all the Islamic issues? Some may have it, some may not. Some have the knowledge, some have not.
So for them, I am trying to give some Islamic issues what I know, what I get from my near and dear ones. The learned people please help me. Because, I accept that I along don’t have all the knowledge of Islam.

I will try to post Islamic studies that you must know, Quran with translation, Hadith from renewed books, Important Dua’s, Biography of Islamic legends, Important Islamic stories, Islamic photos and videos.

I think you all will be with me and give me information about what you know. Islam is our religion; we need to spread it to the unknown to give them clear concepts about it.

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